Monday, October 17, 2011

My writings often come to me at the strangest times.....tonight is no exception. Over the past few months I have not been abiding. I have let the messages slip through the cracks. But, tonight I could not let the words pass. As I took a long hot bath soaking in epsom salts and eucalyptus trying to recuperate from battling with a day of allergies and sinuses, the following words came to me. "In our society, one of our greatest struggles is that of transparency." We spend so much time hiding that we never are truly fully aware of who we really are. And in the cases that we are transparent, where does it get us. For me, I have encountered people who tell me my transparency is refreshing and that they admire my zest for life. But, they often stop there. Short of knowing what to say or do next. They put me in a box, on a shelf, as something to attain at a later date which often times saddens me because it makes me realize just how different I really am. Yes, of course, we should all strive to be different but when that "difference" makes you feel like an outcast, it's not a very fun place at all. When you are the one trying your best to save the world with optimism in a world full of pessimist, who is there to remind you? This is the time I play "Save the Hero" by Beyonce. In it the words ring so true. "Sometimes I wish someone would come here and just save me from myself"

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